Q: How do I use Lucas Oil Stabilizer in my vehicle?
A: It is recommended that you add the Oil Stabilizer with every oil change (20% Stabilizer, 80% Oil). You may also use the stabilizer to top off between oil changes in order to help reduce oil consumption in an older engine, or maintain peak performance in a new engine.
Q: How many miles do I need to have on my vehicle before I can start using Lucas Oil Stabilizer?
A: Use it in new engines after your factory recommended break in period. Put in a quart each time you change the oil in your car. You should be able to go at least 50% longer between oil changes and your engine will last much, much longer.
Q: Can I use Lucas Oil Stabilizer in anything else in my vehicle besides my engine?A; Yes, In addition to being great for your engine, you can also mix it 25% / 75% in a manual transmission and 50% / 50% in the differential. Lucas Oil Stabilizer blends with any petroleum-based or synthetic oil, and is formulated for gasoline or diesel engines.
Q: Heavy Duty Oil Stabilizer seems pretty thick, Can I use it in my small car that requires light weight oil?
A: In newer and smaller vehicles that require light weight oils such as 5W-30, we recommend our Pure Synthetic Oil Stabilizer. Pure Synthetic Stabilizer was developed specifically for engines that run on lighter weight engine oils and in newer vehicles.
Q: Will using Lucas Stabilizer void the factory warranty on my new vehicle?
A: No, using Lucas Stabilizer will not void a new car warranty. Stabilizer is a product that will blend with both synthetic and non-synthetic oils.